Walk a Mile

Well Saturday I had the honor of participating in the International Men;s March, "Walk a Mile In Her Shoes." To stop rape,sexual assault and gender violence. Myself and many other men from the community slipped into some high heels and walked a mile.There were men from all walks of life,women,& children,walking side by side,what an amazing experience.

Viloence against women and children is not just a women's issue,it is the responsibilty of men to stand up and speak,be active in bringing about change and becoming allies with women.
I believe that one must be passionate when addressing such issues.For without passion there is only apathy and indiffernece.
The proceeds raised went to Haven Society, a non profit organization that assists women,children,youth and families in our community.I have the privledge of being a volunteer and working alongside so many amazing peopleat Haven.
Change is possible,that change will come from grassroots,in our own community.Not from Victoria or Ottawa,their track record on women's iisues,child poverty and gender violence speaks for itself.
The need to give support to people in our community working towards change is a responsiblity I embrace.
Be well my friends and see you next year,I will be on the lookout for something a little different in my choice of heels...


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