FW: extreme weather shelter

From: thedigitalpixie@shaw.ca
To: wanderingwallace@hotmail.com
Subject: Fw: extreme weather shelter
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 10:16:25 -0800

Message body
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 10:15 AM
Subject: re: extreme weather shelter

To whom it may concern within the realm of Nanaimo City Council,
This email is being sent to urge you into re-thinking the guidelines of openings and closures of the Extreme weather shelter. It's hurtful and demeaning to not only me but my children as well to be part of a community where reverance for ALL life is not the foundation that all things are built on!
My children know better than you when it comes to caring for the fragile, the hurt, those in pain...life of all forms that for reasons beyond it's control live in vulnerability!  You are in a postion of power. You need to familiarize yourself with the issues of the marginalized people in your community. They are there if you are brave enough to see them. Your jobs should not just be to govern but to protect as well. Are there not enough deaths due to extreme weather each year to warrant full time opening of the extreme weather shelter for the full winter months? Is that what you think needs to happen in order that it be open for the duration? No one should have to live with the very real possibilty of their own extinction, due to a lack of food or shelter, every single day of their lives!!
If you found a hurt, starving and possibly physically or mentally disabled kitten would you try to help it? These people are no less deserving and no less precious than any other baby, child, mother or father!
My prayer for you is that if you or the people you love ever find yourself reliant or needing the care of others in power in order for you to survive that you will find that care. And i say survive..not thrive....we are talking mere survival.
Yours truly,
Christine, Single mother of four.
I live with some fear in my heart because I don't have a support system. It's just me and my children, in a society where I have had to fight for everything I have ever gotten and I'm never quite sure what that one thing will be that pushes my children and myself from being a single mom riding the poverty line...to a single mom of four homeless and fighting for shelter that just isnt there.


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