![On the 17th Councillor Pattje will be making a...](http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-ash4/371248_630871180_1315972031_q.jpg) | On the 17th Councillor Pattje will be making a motion to continue holding, and videotaping, the COW meetings at SHAW Auditorium. It is vital that people e-mail Mayor and council Mayor&Council@nanaimo.ca in support of this. Groups like SAVE the Colliery Dam, Friends of Pioneer Forest as well as any delegation wishing to get the word out about their issue, if it is not on a regular meeting of council agenda, only have this venue to do so. Of note is the fact that there have been 6 taped COW meetings to date: o 24 delegations o Between 12 and 178 views of posted videos o Staff report stated typical viewing of regular meetings 20 to 50 live webcast, up to – 150 video archive The 178, which is more than folk accessing the videos of regular meetings, was from the meeting where the Colliery Dam issue delegations were on the agenda. PS; Also of note will be a motion by Councillor Kipp regarding doing a CORE REVIEW. |
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