FW: An Invitation to Attend Soles Remembering Souls, a World Suicide Prevention Day event

From: SWILSON@sd68.bc.ca
Subject: An Invitation to Attend Soles Remembering Souls, a World Suicide Prevention Day event
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:54:56 +0000

Info share…







"Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing" ~ Helen Keller


Shannon Wilson

Community School Coordinator

John Barsby Community School

550 - 7th Street

Nanaimo, BC V9R 3Z2

c: 250.616.7984

e: swilson@sd68.bc.ca

w: www.myjohnbarsby.ca


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Please find below the information about our event in honour of World Suicide Prevention Day.  We would appreciate your assistance in getting the word out to your group and would welcome anyone who would like to attend from your area.

Warm regards,


Heather Owen

Promotions & Community Relations Coordinator

Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society

PO Box 1118, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6E7
P 250 753 2495 Toll-free 1 877 753 2495
F 250 753 2475



"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead





You are invited to attend


a unique gathering, free of charge and open to anyone
who has lost someone they loved or cared about to suicide and
to community members who would like to lend their support.

Doors open at 2:30 pm on September 11, 2011, at the Port Theatre in Nanaimo.

Further information, including directions, can be found at www.solesremembersouls.com.





Featured performers (to date), include:






Nanaimo resident Matt Dunae raps about loss
as he pays tribute to his brother, Nick,
who died by suicide in 2007.


Matt exemplifies strength and resilience
with his devotion to family and community
in both his actions and his lyrics.





Erica Day & Family




Erica hails from Victoria. She and her twin brothers Pete and Pat
dedicate their performance in memory of their friend Rielly
who lost his life to suicide in 2006.


Their music includes Erica's composition, Left 2 Live,
and cover songs in tribute to those who have died by suicide.





We hope to see you at this event
and encourage you to forward this invitation to others.




For further information about the Vancouver Island Crisis Line,
providing service throughout Vancouver Island at
and for the Suicide Bereavement Support Group,
please see



Together, we are making a difference…






Central Vancouver Island Crisis Society
16 – 1708 Bowen Road, Nanaimo, BC V9S 1G9
PO Box 1118, Nanaimo, BC V9R 6E7
V 250 753 2495 Toll-free 1 877 753 2495
F 250 753 2475


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.
Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

Margaret Mead



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