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Hi everyone,
As a reminder for everyone who attended last evening's emergency NWGH meeting and for those of you who were unable to attend....
.......... we are putting together a 1/2 page announcement specifically thanking Mayor Ruttan and Nanaimo City Council for "staying the course" and working hard to address our city's homelessness!
There will be a photo of a young child (coming from Lesley Clarke) with the caption, "No one is born wanting to be homeless" . It will include a list of all the organizations and individuals who wish to thank Mayor Ruttan and Nanaimo City Council and all those speaking out in support of Nanaimo's Response to Homelessness Action Plan.
Please pass the word on this and ASAP send both Gord Fuller and myself the names of people and organizations who wish to be listed here.
Thank you all for what you do.
Thank you all for what you do.
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