FW: Please forward - Urgent: Selling Out Canada

Date: Mon, 7 May 2012 17:16:32 -0400
From: matthew@leadnow.ca
To: wanderingwallace@hotmail.com
Subject: Please forward - Urgent: Selling Out Canada

Dear Wallace,

Thank you so much for speaking out against the reckless budget bill that contains drastic measures to strip away our environmental protections, silence Canadians and our environmental watchdogs, and damage our economy. We've delivered your message to Minister Flaherty, and a copy is attached.

Thousands of us are speaking out - but we urgently need to reach thousands more... and to do that we need your help to spread the word far and wide.

Please send this link to everyone who cares about the future of Canada, to ask them to join you in this campaign and share it on Facebook and Twitter:
URL to Email: http://www.leadnow.ca/stop-the-sell-out
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Never before has the budget been used as cover for such a sweeping agenda and environmental watchdogs have called it a declaration of "war on nature". This will be a hard fight, but we're in it together.

Thanks again,

With hope and respect,

Matthew on behalf of the Leadnow.ca team


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