FW: Because you are all part of the solution - GOOD NEWS!



  Pages in this section:




Media Release
For Immediate Release
May 24, 2011

2011 Metro Vancouver Homeless Count Finds Same Number of Homeless But More People Using Emergency Shelters

(Metro Vancouver, BC) Today, the Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness and the Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee released a Preliminary Report on the region’s fourth homeless count conducted on March 16. The overall number of people found on count day was down by 37 people (or 1%) from the previous count in 2008. Statistically, the number of homeless remains virtually the same.

“This is the first time since the Count began in 2002 where the overall number of homeless found did not increase,” remarked Patrick Stewart, Chair of the Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee. “At 24% however, the number of Aboriginal people in the homeless population is still disproportionately high.”

“It’s encouraging that efforts by provincial, local and federal governments are getting more people off the streets and into shelters,” said Wayne Wright, Chair of Metro Vancouver’s Housing Committee. “However, the lack of affordable rental housing in the region is putting low-to-moderate income young people, families and seniors at risk of homelessness. Addressing this needs to be a priority for all levels of government as well.”

“54% fewer people said they had spent the previous night outside, and we know this percentage would have been a lot higher without the work of community non-profits, governments and private funders housing and supporting people” explained Alice Sundberg, Co-Chair of the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness. “Unfortunately, the shift of people from outdoors into shelters did not hold true with our youth population. The Count found not only a 29% increase in unaccompanied youth under 25, but also a lower percentage of youth using shelters compared to the overall population.”

Since 2002, decision makers, funders and community agencies have relied on the count conducted every three years (2002, 2005 and 2008). The homeless count is an important tool to better understand Metro Vancouver’s visible homeless population, although it is always an undercount.

Funding for this critical initiative was provided by the United Way of the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Foundation, City of Vancouver, and the Surrey Homelessness and Housing Fund.

The methods and implementation of the count are overseen by the Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness and the Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee. OrgCode Consulting, Inc. was retained as the Research Consultant for the Count.


For more information or interviews contact Helesia Luke
hluke@ethosstrategygroup.com  |  Office: 778.786.2838 | Cell: 778.858.0553

The 2011 Homeless Count Preliminary Report is now posted below

2011 Homeless Count Preliminary Report

Printable Media Release

Media Backgrounder

Data and reports on previous counts can be found here.

Read more about the Homeless Count in the media.

Metro Vancouver homelessness count casts a wider net
Jessica Linzey | Globe and Mail | March 17, 2011

Homeless numbers up, but more shelters mean fewer on streets
Sam Cooper | The Province | March 17, 2011

Homeless Count Underway
The Canadian Press | March 16, 2011

Metro Vancouver homeless count targets youths
CBC News | March 16, 2011

Hundreds of volunteers help with homeless count in Metro Vancouver
Yolande Cole | The Georgia Straight | March 16, 2011

Count on for Langley homeless
Matthew Claxton | Langley Advance | March 16, 2011

Click here to read the 2011 Homeless Count media release and backgrounder.

The 2008 Comparative Community Profiles.

This report complements the 2008 Homeless Count by providing in-depth analysis of the count by community.

Click here to download 2008 Comparative Community Profiles.

  • From: judy.graves@vancouver.ca
    To: brendab@telus.net; amarjotj@sfu.ca; AGibbs@museumofvancouver.ca; kcooper@interchange.ubc.ca; tom@cityinfocus.ca; hales_jc@yahoo.ca; almckay@telus.net; advocacy@stpaulsanglican.bc.ca; Leslie.Adams@gov.bc.ca; arduncan@dccnet.com; atysick@gmail.com; anna.krc@gmail.com; andrew@sauve-nolan.com; andrewboyd@w-g-s.ca; andrew@vancouverpublicspace.ca; MaryClare.Zak@vancouver.ca; pennylrogers@hotmail.com; vbpotter@hotmail.com; dlamb@telus.net; donstuartcowie@gmail.com; donaldmacpherson@shaw.ca; eileenmosca@telus.net; elizabethkelliher@shaw.ca; gfranklin@telus.net; amanda_klang@hotmail.com; albert.cooper@brucepowerab.ca; jack@murtamail.ca; Murray.Bilida@leg.bc.ca; bijan91@gmail.com; bkmorris59@hotmail.com; blyth2008@gmail.com; bigv@telus.net; brian@mission-possible.ca; bob_and_anne_swann@hotmail.com; bpauly@uvic.ca; bradsteyn@gmail.com; barbara.levesque@jhsnok.ca; jbrooks_ca@yahoo.com; bunnell@interchange.ubc.ca; Constance.Barnes@vancouver.ca; Brenda.Tombs@leg.bc.ca; pastorbrian@lums.ca; pastor@plc-abby.org; brentgranby@mac.com; brown@covenanthousebc.org; bcurtiss@ugm.ca; jstewart@ugm.ca; lgregg@ugm.ca; dweiss@ugm.ca; Bill.MacEwan@fraserhealth.ca; briandburke@shaw.ca; seppelt@acrss.org; colton.d@gmail.com; zarina.mulla@vancouver.ca; Craig.Phillips@nursing.ubc.ca; charles@downtownvancouver.net; Patrick.Cullen@vancouver.ca; dswan4432@gmail.com; ddiewertt@shaw.ca; david@bccla.org; davidchudnovsky@gmail.com; daviel@parl.gc.ca; Dave.Jagpal@gov.bc.ca; daviddranchuk@shaw.ca; Dorothy_Cumming@bcit.ca; djohnson@firstbc.org; david@headlinestheatre.com; dkraus@shaw.ca; DTodd@postmedia.com; dsikstrom@harbourlightbc.com; desiree.sparrow@vpd.ca; dmm@writersfest.bc.ca; Daniela.Esparo@vpl.ca; Dianne.Elliott@gov.bc.ca; Diana.Guinn@vpl.ca; melcrocker@shaw.ca; djuweblom@netscape.net; daveb@lookoutsociety.ca; Evanna.Brennan@vch.ca; ed@shelternetbc.com; executivedirector@vafcs.org; elainehusband@telus.net; evan.adams@familymed.ubc.ca; e.d.ccs@shaw.ca; execdir@lookoutsociety.ca; ebby.afterhours@gmail.com; felicitydon@shaw.ca; rector@stpaulsanglican.bc.ca; file30@telus.net; francesbula@gmail.com; fleonard@telus.net; frankish@interchange.ubc.ca; john.mckearney@vancouver.ca; fraserdoke@shaw.ca; ken.suzuki@vancouver.ca; ggayman@harbourlightbc.com; goldenthal@aol.com; gkennedy@corpuschristi.ca; graham.riches@ubc.ca; Claire.Gram@vch.ca; Gerry.bradley@vhc.ca; gcharmer@telus.net; greenjim@telus.net; geordanh@gmail.com; Harry.Karlinsky@vch.ca; harvey@covenanthousebc.org; hugh_creighton@shaw.ca; hello@thinkcity.ca; hendrikbeune@gmail.com; shelter@vafcs.org; heathere@coastmentalhealth.com; info@cnnbackpackers.com; info@romanticchildstudios.com; ichan@mail.cheos.ubc.ca; IBailey@globeandmail.com; info@seniorsservicessociety.ca; info@bccla.org; James.Glass@cambridge.gov.uk; justcatering@justwork.ca; Janet.Wheeler@gov.bc.ca; james@prattconsulting.ca; jwmarsh@shaw.ca; jwhite-msw-c@hotmail.com; jsands@sparc.bc.ca; jason@gratlandcompany.com; kathi.thompson@fraserhealth.ca; kmfomi@yahoo.ca; lyotier@telus.net; kmonteith@spca.bc.ca; kathy_mannas@can.salvationarmy.org; katie.hume@vch.ca; Allyson.Muir@vch.ca; khyslop@thetyee.ca; ladams2@telus.net; seeingeye@telus.net; lzanatta@globalcivic.org; Lani.johnson@bobics.org; lindsay.sierhuis@hotmail.com; lindsaym@seniorsservicessociety.ca; liannekerr@gmail.com; programming@gachet.org; ShawBIZ@aol.com; laura.sanschagrin@hrsdc-rhdcc.gc.ca; lauram@aidsvancouver.org; lharvey@interchange.ubc.ca; lkemp@telus.net; marciegood@yahoo.com; mmmacdougall@shaw.ca; mmgoodwin98@hotmail.com; miles.xpisti@gmail.com; MWoolley@develop.bc.ca; marylee@axion.net; mattgranlund@gmail.com; m_mckay@telus.net; msoules@post.harvard.edu; michael@clagueconsultants.com; melinda.suto@ubc.ca; Melissa@thedva.com; Mellisa.Fahy@vch.ca; micheal@bccla.org; miche-van@shaw.ca; michael.byers@ubc.ca; maryanne@nightshiftministries.org; mclague@telus.net; malcolm.cox@vpd.ca; mdavis@drpeter.org; moneycoachcanada@gmail.com; John.McLernon@colliers.com; mrjorah@gmail.com; mary.mcNeil.mla@leg.bc.ca; njmclaren1@gmail.com; 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ssmall@rcav.bc.ca; shanbillows@gmail.com; streetoutreachinitiative@gmail.com; shenry@firstunited.ca; SMcFadyen@harbourlightbc.com; sharon.belli@gov.bc.ca; Sharon.Stroick@calgary.ca; steve.john.richardson@gmail.com; stmarks.campusministry@gmail.com; swagnernow@shaw.ca; sheila_george@squamish.net; sean@megaphonemagazine.com; steve.bornemann@gmail.com; seang@simplycove.ca; scm.ubc@gmail.com; ssevers@firstunited.ca; Tanya.Fink@vancouver.ca; stan.lanyon@arboffices.com; sngbc@hotmail.com; steve.john.richardson@gmail.com; steve.bourne@hedyfry.com; Steve.Mathias@gov.bc.ca; sglen@interchange.ubc.ca; tjssj@uniserve.com; tim@gcbchurch.ca; tos@infinet.net; tbeasley@cplaw.ca; toddharris@me.com; tthompson@belkinhouse.ca; TracyS@coastmentalhealth.com; tmatthews@queenswoodconsulting.com; revnorm@vcn.bc.ca; teambrown@shaw.ca; Trevor.Hancock@gov.bc.ca; terrybrennen@telus.net; scott.thompson@vpd.ca; the5and2@hotmail.com; tshymka@sjcss.com; tasdeac@shaw.ca; Ted.Bruce@vch.ca; jtscooper@gmail.com; vancouvermovingtheatre@shaw.ca; valerieevelevitt@gmail.com; Peter.Vlahos@vch.ca; vstrehlau@brain.ubc.ca; wanderingwallace@hotmail.com; wishdropincentre@telus.net; wendy.dubois@tenth.ca; william.mcmichael@ubc.ca; wellsgreen@telus.net; Paul.Whitney@vpl.ca; wmartin@uvic.ca; dickv@streetohome.org; bygarr@telus.ca; nyog@shaw.ca; richsul@interchange.ubc.ca; Darryl.Quantz@vch.ca; john.atkin@vancouver.ca; Alan.Waterman@CBC.CA; bruces@islandnet.com; RossT@coastmentalhealth.com; Jim_Coggles@can.salvationarmy.org; cbelanger@firstunited.ca; jproudfoot@gmail.com
    Subject: Because you are all part of the solution - GOOD NEWS!
    Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 00:32:21 +0000

    2002 - 2005 Count - homelessness doubled
    2005 - 2008 Count - rate of the growth of homelessness slowed a little (some targeted resources were added)
    2008 - 2011 Count - rate of homelessness stabilizing and in some places stopping (more targeted resources added)
    We are turning the tide. For the first time since I can remember.
    What worked:
    - stating the goal "end involuntary street homelessness in 6 years"
    - treating homelessness with a "Disaster Response" model - off the streets, into the shelters, out of the shelters into stable housing, and as better housing is built - into better housing. Make the fancy plans after homelessness is stabilized and everyone is indoors. (Same as they are doing in Japan and Slave Lake.)
    - see "everyone as part of the solution." Involving everyone.
    - no single best practice, "many best practices." Using as many different tools as possible, at the same time. Always using the philosophy of "housing first" lower case. Outreach, low barrier shelters, harm reduction, quality food, leading not sending, supports in housing, keeping friends and family and pets together. Care for the worst first.
    - radical hospitality - "everyone come in, have something to eat, stay the night, come as you are."
    - First Things First - most desperate need - the street homeless. Make the hard choices and move forward.
    - "Finish what you start" Dear Friends, we have turned the corner, but we are not done.
    Today we celebrate a remarkable achievement. Since 2008 the over-all population in Vancouver has grown quickly, prices of condos have soared, cost of rent increases dramatically, low-rent market housing has been destroyed by dis-investment, fire, and grow-ops. Still, the number of homeless in Vancouver has increased by only 25, and the number sleeping rough on our streets has decreased from 815 to 145. The suffering you have ended cannot be measured.
    Celebrating will give us the strength to get back to work tomorrow, to finish what we started.

    --Forwarded Message Attachment--

    Message body


      Pages in this section:

    Media Release
    For Immediate Release
    May 24, 2011

    2011 Metro Vancouver Homeless Count Finds Same Number of Homeless But More People Using Emergency Shelters
    (Metro Vancouver, BC) Today, the Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness and the Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee released a Preliminary Report on the region's fourth homeless count conducted on March 16. The overall number of people found on count day was down by 37 people (or 1%) from the previous count in 2008. Statistically, the number of homeless remains virtually the same.
    "This is the first time since the Count began in 2002 where the overall number of homeless found did not increase," remarked Patrick Stewart, Chair of the Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee. "At 24% however, the number of Aboriginal people in the homeless population is still disproportionately high."
    "It's encouraging that efforts by provincial, local and federal governments are getting more people off the streets and into shelters," said Wayne Wright, Chair of Metro Vancouver's Housing Committee. "However, the lack of affordable rental housing in the region is putting low-to-moderate income young people, families and seniors at risk of homelessness. Addressing this needs to be a priority for all levels of government as well."
    "54% fewer people said they had spent the previous night outside, and we know this percentage would have been a lot higher without the work of community non-profits, governments and private funders housing and supporting people" explained Alice Sundberg, Co-Chair of the Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness. "Unfortunately, the shift of people from outdoors into shelters did not hold true with our youth population. The Count found not only a 29% increase in unaccompanied youth under 25, but also a lower percentage of youth using shelters compared to the overall population."
    Since 2002, decision makers, funders and community agencies have relied on the count conducted every three years (2002, 2005 and 2008). The homeless count is an important tool to better understand Metro Vancouver's visible homeless population, although it is always an undercount.
    Funding for this critical initiative was provided by the United Way of the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Foundation, City of Vancouver, and the Surrey Homelessness and Housing Fund.
    The methods and implementation of the count are overseen by the Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness and the Aboriginal Homelessness Steering Committee. OrgCode Consulting, Inc. was retained as the Research Consultant for the Count.
    For more information or interviews contact Helesia Luke
    hluke@ethosstrategygroup.com  |  Office: 778.786.2838 | Cell: 778.858.0553
    The 2011 Homeless Count Preliminary Report is now posted below
    2011 Homeless Count Preliminary Report
    Printable Media Release
    Media Backgrounder

    Data and reports on previous counts can be found here.
    Read more about the Homeless Count in the media.

    Metro Vancouver homelessness count casts a wider net
    Jessica Linzey | Globe and Mail | March 17, 2011

    Homeless numbers up, but more shelters mean fewer on streets
    Sam Cooper | The Province | March 17, 2011

    Homeless Count Underway
    The Canadian Press | March 16, 2011

    Metro Vancouver homeless count targets youths
    CBC News | March 16, 2011

    Hundreds of volunteers help with homeless count in Metro Vancouver
    Yolande Cole | The Georgia Straight | March 16, 2011

    Count on for Langley homeless
    Matthew Claxton | Langley Advance | March 16, 2011

    Click here to read the 2011 Homeless Count media release and backgrounder.
    The 2008 Comparative Community Profiles.
    This report complements the 2008 Homeless Count by providing in-depth analysis of the count by community.
    Click here to download 2008 Comparative Community Profiles.

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