FW: [Creative Maladjustment ...an unquiet mind.] The Art of Healing
On campus at VIU 2010
As a pyschiatric survivor, my story is an opportunity to heal by sharing with others. The freedom of expressing a different perspective of "Mental Illness."
Labels and the stigma that it breeds brought me to the brink of death, and through my art has been the catalyst for the passion that burns within.
I am proud to announce that I have been chosen to do a presentation along with my Stigma painting at the 2011 PyschOut Conference in New York city in June.
After several years of working towards bringing awareness about mental health and the narrow harmful effects of the medical model (pyschiatry and pharmeceuticals) it seems I have caught the attention of other like minded people outside of our community.
A recent blog that I wrote, " Who are the experts," ruffled a few feathers of those entrenched in following a model that does much harm to those they profess to be helping.
After years of struggling with medications, with side effects such as paranoia, rage, depression, and several attempted suicides, I have survived through applying a more holistic approach to my well being, and by researching into the history of pyschiatry and pyscho-pharmacology.
Having an opportunity to share with others and to make contacts with academics, artists, and activists from around the world is a gift.
I am looking forward to meeting and hearing Robert Whittaker speak in Victoria,B.C. this coming Tuesday, it is so exciting. http://www.robertwhitaker.org/robertwhitaker.org/Home.html
Through having an open mind and an open heart I have broken free of the chemical restraints and the stigma that is the mainstream of our health care delivery system in Canada.
What ever side of the fence you are on, dialogue and debate is how change begins.
Be well my friends.
April 20th, 2011
Dear Mr. Wallace Malay:
The psychOut 2011 Conference Planning Committee is excited to inform you that your peer reviewed proposal Stigma: Discussion of Painting has been accepted for this year's conference. We deeply apologize for the delay in sending the acceptance and we hope that you can still make it.
The Committee was so thrillled to have many wonderful proposals submitted, that we wanted to have as many presentations as we could fit. In order to accomplish this, presentations will be 1 1/2 hour panel workshops. Each panelist will be sharing a portion of this time with 1 or 2 other presenters. A workshop moderator will be assigned to each workshop and will also assist presenters in coordinating with their co-panelist.
To best place your presentation on the conference agenda, we need to know what day(s) you will be attending psychOut, and would like all presenters to register as soon as possible. Registration materials can be downloaded from
Posted By Wallace Malay to Creative Maladjustment ...an unquiet mind. at 5/15/2011 10:50:00 AM
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