FW: Connect Day poster - John, as per my earlier email, will you make sure that people recently added to the email list receive the poster?

Good day all

Find attached the poster for the Connect day coming up-  this Friday!!!!

Hope to see you all there


John Horn

Social Planner

Community Planning Section

City of Nanaimo




From: Lynn Burrows [mailto:lynn@viphotoart.com]
Sent: September 26, 2011 7:36 PM
To: John Horn
Subject: Connect Day poster - John, as per my earlier email, will you make sure that people recently added to the email list receive the poster?
Importance: High


Hi John, as per my earlier email (of a few minutes ago) , I sent this out to an older mailing list but included Hugh and Emma (since I had their emails). However,  there are others who have been added in the last couple of  months that will need to still receive it. Perhaps it makes sense to simply send it out again to everyone on your most up-to-date list?


Thanks very much!



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