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"Smart" meters: The Law is on your side! | | US Federal Energy Act of 2005, Title Xll, Subtitle E, Section 1252, (a), (14), (C) states: "Each electric utility subject to subparagraph (A) shall provide each customer requesting a time-based rate with a time-based meter capable of enabling the utility and customer to offer and receive such rate, respectively." California State Utility Code states:
Code 328.2(b) states: "No customer should have to pay separate fees for utilizing services that protect public or customer safety." Code 453. (b) states: "No public utility shall prejudice, disadvantage, or require different rates or deposit amounts from a person because of medical condition." |
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We are dedicating this month's issue to the beautiful act of expressing our clarity about the kind of world we want to create. Clarity is the most important ingredient in creation. This is our Divine purpose - to create the world we have been dreaming of. We have become very clear that it is time to educate ourselves and act on a particular issue that may be new to some of you. With the help of Yoga Centers teacher and friend, Sandra Storwick (who is a guest writer in this issue), we have learned about the need for more awareness about "Smart" meter technology. Please, consider giving yourself the time to read this important newsletter. We strongly encourage that you also do the two simple actions suggested below. (You can also download the PDF report that Sandra prepared.) With love and gratitude, Aadil and Savitri | What is a "Smart" meter?
| | Dear Friends, We are a growing group of beings who are waking up to our true potential (our Light) and are ready to take action to create the world of our dreams! We are asking the question: "Are 'Smart' meters outsmarting our right to a healthy mind and body and most importantly, our access to our Soul?" What is a "Smart Meter"? A "Smart" meter is a digital, wireless electric, water or gas meter connected to your home or business that transmits data through electromagnetic waves (to other meters and collection points in a mesh network) and sends this information to your utility company. "Smart" meters provide energy companies with far more information about your energy consumption than meters used in the past, invading privacy as well as making people sick. "Send and Receive Smart Meters" produce pulsed microwave radio frequency radiation on a near constant basis, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, wrecking havoc with your mind and body. This enhanced data sharing and exposure to electromagnetic radiation are greatly impacting our health, privacy and finances. This is very real. Health: Upon installation, people report problems sleeping, headaches, ringing in the ears, heart problems, dizziness, nausea, cognitive problems, and other physical ailments. In addition, the following health effects have been documented in studies of non-ionizing radiation, which "Smart" meters utilize: DNA breaks, cancer, endocrine disruption, birth defects, sterility, heart arrhythmia, learning impairment, ADD/ ADHD, headache, fatigue and sleep disturbance. (Read more ) Privacy and Finances: Every customer's personal usage will be known, harvested and marketed. Many people are actually reporting that their energy bills are much higher after installation which is the opposite of what the electrical companies say. Also, the incidence of house fires has risen in almost every city where they have been installed. Lastly, "Smart" meters can be hacked, which means they can be controlled by criminals. (Read more) Now is the time to act. With the help of all of us, we can create a change. Please read below for simple ways to educate yourself and take two easy actions that add up to a lot of good, for your health, and the health of our communities. Thank you, Sandra Storwick P.S. You can also listen to Aadil and Savitri talk about "Smart" meters on their radio show on Feb 20 ("What's So Smart about Smart Meters) and Feb 27 ("Your Health, Your Freedom"). P.P.S. Download our Wireless Action Network convenient PDF to share with friends (all the text of this email). |
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"Smart" meters: What Can I do?
| | First, Educate yourself.
Here are a few articles and videos that contain more information. Please take the time to look at each one. ![Stratford Smart Meter and a Shrub](https://thumbnail.constantcontact.com/remoting/v1/vthumb/YOUTUBE/4590e7cd242a40148cd1f08cb3f97063) | Stratford Smart Meter and a Shrub |
- The first video on the right is a powerful, short visual indication of the effect of "Smart" meter radiation on plant life.
- The next video is of a medical Doctor speaking out against "Smart" meters.
- Please read this article carefully and try to absorb as much as you can. Many of the links are also worth reading.
- This is an amazing position paper recently released by the American Academy of Environmental Medicine speaking out against Smart" meters.
Second, call your energy company. ![Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers](https://thumbnail.constantcontact.com/remoting/v1/vthumb/YOUTUBE/ca45c65562c345ff8bb0f4a5c236c323) | Physician Warns of Smart Meter Dangers |
1. Find out What Kind of Utility Meters You Have
The simplest way to do this is to call your electric, gas, and water company - they may each be a separate company using different meters. There are basically two types of "Smart" meters: - Wireless meters that only send out a pulse of non- ionizing radio wave radiation any where from every 5 minutes to every 24 hours
- Much stronger "send and receive Smart" meters, sending out strong pulses of microwave radiation many times a minute.
2. Express your position - scripts provided! - If PSE is your energy company, call Vera (425 424 6743).
- If you would prefer to email her, you can send your email to customercare@pse.com and in the subject line please put "attention Vera."
- You probably already have Type 1. PSE's wireless "capable" meters were installed before 2000 and activated in 2008. You may also have a wireless gas meter that has been retrofitted with a wireless sending device.
- Vera will tell you that you do not have a "Smart" meter. It is true that you do not have a wireless "send and receive Smart meter," but you do have a "Smart" meter. If you meter has the word LAN on it, it is wireless and is connected to a grid system. However, the ones that PSE has are not as strong as the ones going in across the country. They are much older, send less frequently and only "send," and are not microwave send and receive devices.
- Vera told me that the pulse on the gas meter is under a half a watt - sent every 15 minutes. However, my findings are different. It seems I am getting pulses that are much stronger (over 2 watts).
- PSE has not yet installed any of the stronger, microwave "send and receive Smart" meters in its jurisdiction. However, they are being installed in Snohomish County.
- If you live in Seattle, you may still have a Seattle City Light analog electric meter (not wireless) and a PSE wireless gas meter.
- If your energy company is not PSE, call your utility's main number.
- Tell them that you are very concerned about the "Smart" Meter rollout. Ask if there is someone you can speak to, to put your name on an "opt out" list.
- Once you find out what you have, then, please ask "What are your plans for my area?" Then say, in your own words:
"I am very concerned to discover that I have a wireless meter. I have made many changes in my life to limit exposure to wireless radio and microwave radiation as I am concerned about the health effects (or the privacy issues) of wireless radiation.
"I would like (your energy company) to know that I definitely do not want the new 'send and receive' microwave 'Smart' meters that are being installed in other counties, other states and other countries around the world.
"I am also against the current option of 'opt out programs,' as the microwave radiation from nearby 'Smart' meters will also affect me. It is within my legal right to live in an environment free of harmful radio and microwave radiation. (The UN has already classified this type of radiation as a Class 2 B Carcinogen.) I should not have to pay extra to have an environment that can support health. Furthermore, it is within my legal right to not have these wireless meters forced upon me without my knowledge or consent.
"With regard to the 'Smart' meter rollout, I feel that the energy companies are acting with the utmost disrespect for my privacy and my health." (Even if they tell you that most customers are very satisfied with the new wireless meters, you can still say that you are a customer and you are very dissatisfied with the wireless meters and that you would like your position recorded.)
To summarize, we would like the energy companies to know: - We do not want the new 'send and receive microwave "Smart" meter
- We would like our analog meter reactivated.
3. EXTRA CREDIT if you live in Washington State! Email Ella - If PSE is your electric company, please tell Ella that you have contacted Vera at PSE and that you have heard back from her indicating that they received your message and recorded your concerns. We would like this information as we would like to keep track of how many "votes" have been sent.
- If your energy company is not PSE, please tell Ella:
- The name of your electric company
- he name of your gas company
- The names of the contact people you were speaking to
- Any detailed information you were able to gather regarding your current "Smart" meter situation
- Any information on future deployment of "Smart" meters in your area.
Reminder: Therapeutic Training early bird discount ends May 8 | | Remember that we are offering $100 off the Therapeutic Teacher Training, but only if you register by Tuesday, May 8. To register, you only need a $150 deposit. We can also extend the due date for the balance to June 1 instead of May 8. This year's 8-day teacher training will focus on the muscular-skeletal system. It will start on Friday, June 8 and end on Friday, June 15, giving you the whole weekend to integrate what you learned! The early bird price is $1,500. In the training you will learn Aadil's new innovations in the treatment of lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain, high blood pressure, eye problems, organic malfunctions, stress, headaches, carpal tunnel problems, and on and on. You will have actual tools to use to help students feel immediate relief and eventually heal themselves. Each participant receives the Therapeutic Teacher Training Manual, over 330 pages of photos, instructions, diagrams and text to compliment the training. Learn more > | NEW NAME! NEW DAY! Alive and Shine with Aadil and Savitri | | Listen to Aadil and Savitri on their radio show! There are three NEW WAYS to listen: - Listen live on the radio in Seattle on Tuesdays at 11 am on 1150 AM
- Listen online, live or on the Show Archives at www.AliveandShineShow.com
- Listen to, download, or subscribe to our podcasts on iTunes
Here are some of our favorite recent shows: - April 17 Money, Money, Money: Savitri shines the truth on money: what is it really, why don't I have enough, how to use money in the correct way, and how we have misunderstood this powerful tool of creation.
- April 10 Excitement or Equanimity? We all want to feel peace, yet we also love excitement! Must we oscillate between excitement and dejection or is there another way? Savitri and Aadil discuss the value of equanimity and why it is necessary to create.
- April 3 What does "Alive" feel like? What does it mean to "Shine"? Aadil and Savitri discuss the new shift in our show and how you too can make your life more joyous and radiant!
- March 19 and 26 The Color of Joy, Parts 1 and 2 Color has been used for hundreds of years to elevate or depress the mood of the viewer. Color therapy was very popular in the U.S in the beginning of the last century. Learn why dark colors stifle your dreams and what to do about it!
Listen to past shows on the Show Archives or subscribe through iTunes! |
Loving Myself
| | From the acclaimed book, Fire of Love, by Aadil Palkhivala Sri Aurobindo wrote that deep inside each one of us "hidden powers dwell." To love yourself is to know that you co-create your life with The Divine. This is your strength. Once you take on this responsibility, you are empowered to love. When you are united with those hidden inner powers, you realize that everything you have looked for outside is already inside. So the path is finding in yourself your essence, uniting with it, and feeling the wonder that is love.
There is really no practice that can create love. We can only discover the love that has always been there. Love cannot be analyzed or quantified by the mind, nor can it be controlled or forced by the passions. It is simply felt in the quietness of our inner world. There is no way to discover love other than to do what every faith and sage has counseled for millennia: Go within.
Spend time each day being alone and still, focusing only on your breath. Gradually, this will still your mind by muting your thoughts. Observe the emotion that surfaces as you inhale, and as you exhale,feel your breath releasing that emotion. As the emotion leaves you, offer it to a ball of light in front of you. Fill the empty space with light from your heart. Notice that you feel lighter. Turn your awareness inside yourself. Only within your Heart Center can you realize, in a lasting way - a way unmoved by the ebbs and flows of affection and circumstance- that you are loved.
The cosmic intelligence that we call Divinity has as much love for the saint as for the rogue. The only difference is that the saint feels loved,the rogue does not. |
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