Letter To The Editor

Dear Editor,
I am one of many in the community concerned about the increasing poverty that many endure here in Nanaimo.As a creative awareness artist I have been known to email intersting subject matter to many,including the mayor and elected councillors of Nanaimo.
Today I forwarded an email I recieved about an upcoming rally on April 9, in Victoria ,to protest the cuts to the poor of our province and in our own community.It seems one of the city councillors,Merv Unger took offense, and I quote from his email, " I view this as inappropriate material on a city email address." He was probably not having lunch at the Salvation army for a dollar when he sent it from his Blackberry.
Is there no poverty here in Nanaimo? As elected officials of this fine city are not the Mayor and councillors aware of the poverty that exists here in nanaimo.Do I ,as a voting citizen,an active citizen who promotes community involvement in helping others,not have the right to bring these concerns to the city's elected?I have seen a few councillors attend such events as feeding hungry in our community,or at forums on mental health & addictions,hats off to Dianna and Fred. It seems that with the mayor and some of the councillors,unless it is a ribbon cutting ceremony,or a provincial/federal intitiative that their presence is not essential.I understand they are busy,most of us are.
Yet I question their concerns on these issues.When citizens begin grassroots alternatives to bring about positive change in our community for those less fortunate;and invite the Mayor & Councillors it is both disappointing and not surprising that most will not attend.Maybe it is an ideal time to join other communities and voice our concerns about poverty,better still a rally here in Nanaimo.

Wallace Malay


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